About Bells
Hey Isabella here,
I just wanted to tell you a bit about myself and how KissMyLips evolved!
From when I was a little girl I always loved fashion and knew that one day I would work with beautiful clothes.
When I was 13 I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
I was determined that this illness would not crush me. I turned to fashion to keep me positive.
From my bed I started sketching my own designs and hatching my business plan.
From this challenging time in my life "KissMyLips" was born. I launched my online clothing store in March 2018 at the age of 16.
My return to health was a long journey. The joy and challenge to running my own business gave me everything to get well for. Now I can happily say i am in full health again, and i have been for years!
I hope you all enjoy wearing them as much as I enjoyed producing them.
Love Isabella x